The weather has finally started to warm up so we have been able to go out and do some things outside. We have been going geo-caching and having lots of fun finding what you call them "treasures." It takes us to new places and it's always fun to do something all together. Daddy bought a four wheeler this month and you think it is the best thing ever. You have gone on a couple of rides with him. One Saturday you guys went with Lydia and Matt riding out in the desert. You went to a couple of caves and had a great time! We also were able to make it to Clifton. You love going there and spending as much time with grandpa as you can. You rode with him in the tractor, took a couple of truck rides and even got to see a train, up close. You covered your ears and said it was "too loud!"

I love this last picture of you. We had some yummy chocolate pudding and got it all over you.