This whole month for FHE we have been focusing on the Resurrection and trying to help you understand the real meaning of Easter. You have done really well and understand the basics that Jesus died, he was put in a cave( easy way for you to understand) and came back to life after 3 days. I hope you continue to grow in the gospel and learn the really important reasons of special holidays.
This past week has been incredibly busy! We celebrated Tay's birthday last Thursday and you were a really good sport. That Friday we went camping at Salmon Falls with Grandpa and Grandma Palmer and Ryan and his family. Recently dad got you your own real hiking backpack so you could get used to packing your own bag when we go places and having a good pack that you could hike with. It was fun to see you excited to have your own bag and be so excited to pack your own things. We got at the camping spot around late morning Friday. We did quite a bit of fishing and you did a lot of exploring. One thing you did many times was "go on a hike up the mountain." Sometimes you would go by yourself and other times Cache would come with you. That makes me excited to see that interest in you! Later that evening Dad came up. He got a new smaller tent and wanted to try it out you decided to sleep in there with him and did great! It was a lot of fun to get outdoors away from the house for a while and be with family. You love being with family and having places to explore.When we got home Saturday Grandma Williams stopped by with kelly on their way home from Boise. She brought Tay some presents and also brought you one which was a thomas the train book. You were so excited to get a present and love the new book.
This Sunday we had Stake Conference and then we loaded up and went to Jeremy's house in Oakley for the family Easter party. We had a big egg hunt and you were so excited for it. When we were hiding the eggs, every time I would look over towards the house I would see your little head either peaking behind the door or out the window. You knew what to do this year and filled your bucket full.
A fun thing that you do right now is play the present game. You take a dish towel and go and find something, usually something you really like;), and give it to me or dad as a present. Then it is our turn to go find something and wrap it to give to you. I think all this talk of presents and having Taylor's birthday inspired this latest game:). Love you!