You started preschool this fall and love it. You go twice a week for three hours. I decided to do a mom co-op and it is going well. I taught last week and it was fun but I'm glad all the moms take turns. You are excelling really well. You know how to write your name and some other letters. You can recognize them all and know your numbers. I think you will be really prepared for Kindergarten next year. It is hard to believe that you are going to be five in four short months.
Your dad just had a birthday and got the Star Wars movies on blu-ray. We have just finished the third one. After watching the first one, you woke up the next morning and said, "that was AWESOME!" You now say you want to be a Jedi when you grow up.
You love being a big brother to Cade. You are really good about talking to him and he responds really good to you by smiling and usually stop crying when your around. You and Taylor on the other hand usually duke it out a couple times a day:)