Our Christmas started at 6:30. You woke up and came into our room. We coached you the night before that you had to come and get us before you went into the living room. Being the obedient child you are:) you did just that. We then got Taylor up and then the teasing started:) I was teased ( sometimes to tears:) growing up so it's only justice that I get to do it to my kids:) We then let you come out to see what Santa brought you. It was pretty funny because you noticed Taylor's shopping cart for her before you noticed you new shiny red wagon. You went through your stocking and loved all the candy, the new transformers brush and toothpaste, and the star wars cup filled with gum balls.
After a while we decided to open presents. We decided to start the tradition of giving three gifts. 1. Something you need ( you got a star wars shirt and sweat bottoms) 2. Something you want ( a polar express train set) This was my absolute favorite part of Christmas. You tore off the wrapping paper and when you saw it was a polar express train you ran over to me, jumped in my arms and said " thank you thank you mom! I love it" It was so sweet. 3. Something from the heart( an illustrated book of mormon book done in fun ways) You have read this book many times and really like it. Now I always ask you, are you like Ammon, are you like Nephi or are you being like Laman and Lemuel:)
That was Christmas. It was so great. That was the perfect amount of gifts. It wasn't overwhelming at all and you appreciated each gift. I'm excited to do this tradition every year now.I love you
Later that night we skyped with Grandma Williams and she watched you open her gifts from you. You got some star wars figures, legos, and some coloring pads.