Sunday, December 27, 2009
Decorating the tree
You really helped me in decorating the tree this year. You liked looking at all the different ornaments and trying to hang them on the tree. That was the hardest part since our branches were not very strong. It is fun that you are getting more into the holidays. You were a great helper in decorating and love looking at all the Christmas lights.

Christmas morning started around 7:00 for you. Taylor and I had been up since 6! She must have been excited or something:) So I got breakfast cooking and couldn't wait any longer so I went and woke you and dad up. You didn't quite know what to think when you came out and saw the presents from Santa but went and checked everything out. Santa brought you a sled, cars, trucks, new toothbrush and a little bit of chocolate. If that is all you got, you would have been happy with just that! We started opening presents and you quickly got into the spirit of un-wrapping gifts. You got a train shirt, a Mack truck some cows to put in it, and some new bath toys.
Later on in the morning Taylor and I took a much needed nap while daddy ran to the hospital. You played with your new toys for a good hour and a half! When I came out to check on you, you had taken out all the stuffing from my hickory farms box and put your cows in it. It was too funny:) I think all you ate that day was chocolate . Later on that day, Grandma and Grandpa Palmer came over and you showed them all your toys and took a nap with Grandpa. You had a wonderful Christmas Lucas and loved every minute:) Merry Christmas.
Coming out and seeing what Santa has brought! Don't know what to think!
hmmmm what to play with!

checking out what Santa brought
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Good Big Brother
One last day in the park
On a warm day in November I called up my friends and asked them if they wanted to go down to 1000 springs and let you and your friends enjoy one more outing before the snow came. You guys had so much fun.......running....everywhere! You are getting so fast! We all had a great time. One wonderful thing about living in Gooding is that you have great friends.

Love you monkey:)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thanksgiving 09
This Thanksgiving was spent like your first one, at the Williams. You really love going there. Grandpa takes you on tractor rides and play with all the cousins. This year you decorated your own gingerbread house. You had a lot of fun doing it, although I think you had more fun seeing how much candy you could stuff in your mouth.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sleepover time
This past weekend you spent the night at Jeremy and Amber's. We were over at Staci's and they were there and asked if you wanted to come and spend the night. You said yes and were so excited and didn't look back! You had so much fun and when we came to get you, you cried and didn't want to go back home with us. I guess I' am grateful that you like to go with other people and do well when you are away from us but it kinda makes me sad when you don't want to go home the next day! Steve and I talk about how much we are going to miss you when we go to Vegas and how hard it is going to be away from you for three nights but it looks like you will have so much fun:) Love you!
Family Pictures
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Third Halloween
I can't believe it was your third Halloween this year! We figured this would be our last year to choose your costume so we went as a group as Sonny and Cher with our hippie kids. I made your shirt, vest and even converted some of your pants into bell bottoms. Lucas you really are a good sport. You put it all on and looked great. You even let me take pictures and had the best cheesy grins for me.
We went to the church and did the trunk or treat. You had so much fun going car to car and doing all the fun activities. You even were saying trick or treat. You are a smart boy and learn fast:) After the church we went trick or treating. You thought it was pretty neat going door to door and getting candy! There was this house that was decorated pretty scary and you didn't want to get too close.
After trick or treating we came back home and had a little party here. Avrie and Lydia came over with their parents. You guys ate at your own little table, decorated cupcakes and watched scooby doo. We also had a really really tough pinata. You were all excited to see the candy spill out. Around 11 we were getting ready for people to leave and Avrie and Lydia stated dancing and shaking thier hips. You looked at them and tried to mimic their actions but your hips just don't move like that! That's ok I would be a little worried if you could dance like them:) You have so much fun with your friends. You get a long pretty well with all of your friends. You and Lydia have this love/hate relationship and like to drive each other crazy but you are always happy to see eachother. I figure you will (hopefully) grow out of it and you guys will eventually get a long:)
You were such a sweet heart and had so much fun this year. Thanks for going a long and being the best little hippie kid ever:)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Little Houdini
A while ago we bought door handle covers because you get out of your room while we are trying to get you to go to bed. Well they lasted a couple of days before you figured out you could take them apart. Today we bought some new ones that were supposed to work better and you also took them apart. We put duct tape over it and you still got out. We talked about putting your lock on the outside of your door but realized people might look at us funny if they saw that:) It is funny and frustrating at the same time. I hear your dad ripping more duct tape, we will have to see if what he comes up with works this time! Love you little Houdini :)
Funny stuff
So lately your new trick has been to sneak into the fridge and drink the milk and juice from their cartons. It was kinda funny at first but now you do it all the time:) One time you spilled milk all over you and I thought that would prevent you from doing it again but twas not the case:)
Today I was toasting some bread in the toaster and it started having a burning smell and producing a little bit of smoke. I took the bread out and found half eaten cookies stuff down in there:)
Speaking of cookies, you take cookies apart that have cream filling, lick it off, put them back together and stick them back in the box:)
Today I was toasting some bread in the toaster and it started having a burning smell and producing a little bit of smoke. I took the bread out and found half eaten cookies stuff down in there:)
Speaking of cookies, you take cookies apart that have cream filling, lick it off, put them back together and stick them back in the box:)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Daddy's 30th birthday
I went to go get you down and found that you had a permanent marker and had tried to paint your toenails with it:) It was so funny! Whenever I paint my toe nails you always want me to do yours but your daddy has made it pretty clear that he does not like it. So instead of having me do it, you decided to get creative and use what you had:)

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