Oh my little boy, how fast you have grown. I peek in on you before I go to bed and I' am amazed at how big you have become, yet at the same time I still see you as my tiny baby. This past week has not been too fun. You had a fever for a couple of days and ended up getting strep throat. You have been on antibiotics for a couple of days now and seem much better. I think you got sick from going all the time. Last month we were gone every single weekend and did lots of driving. We had a lot of fun though! This year at the rodeo we put you on a sheep. You liked it until it decided to run and you fell off. You had so much fun riding the horses and wrestling with Grandpa. Lucas you absolutely love your Grandpa's so much. Whenever we go to the Palmer and Williams' you probably say "grandpa, grandpa" at least 100 times or more. You like to go to G. Palmers and ride in his truck and on the four wheeler. You have even gone fishing with him and daddy. I know that my dad loves it. You also talk to him on the phone a lot and usually say, train, truck, fish, huh, plane, and tracks. With G. Williams you love to ride his horses and now whenever we see a horse you start yelling for grandpa like he should be there because horses are there. When we were down there he took you with him to water and left you on the four wheeler while it was running. I guess you decided to take the opportunity and push the gas and go. You love to ride four wheelers. Daddy really wants to get one so he can take you out on it.
Lately Daddy has been tucking you in. Tonight I went to tuck you in and you wanted daddy. It made me really sad. You used to be my little buddy, my sidekick, who would only let me do anything for you. I know it is a little different now with Taylor being born but you are still my buddy. I feel that I need to spend more quality time with you and hold you while I can b/c you are growing up way to fast on me.
You went on your first fair rides this past month and loved it!!! Whenever you would pass by us, we would hoot and holler at you and you would get this sheepish grin on your face, it was so funny:)
You have been a really good big brother to Taylor. You are the only one who can make her laugh. I remember when I was pregnant with her and I swear she would get really excited whenever she heard your voice. You can tell in her eyes when she looks at you that she loves you. I don't know how to explain it but you can just see it. One funny thing you do is when she spits up, you make a funny face and say yuck really loud. You have even started getting a rag and wiping her mouth.
Well buddy we have another week and then we will be leaving for Oregon. I' am excited to see your reaction to the big Ocean and the crabs we catch. I love you Lucas
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