Lukie Lukie Lukie! What a busy summer we have had! Every weekend for the past three weeks we have been gone up to Idaho Falls and Clifton. You have loved every minute of it and have enjoyed spending time with cousins and grandparents.
It has really started warming up here and you and Tay Tay like filling up the pool and love being outside. You have gotten into the habit of dressing yourself with your pants on backwards. You are just so proud to have done it all yourself that it is hard to tell you to switch them around.

You went to your friend Avrie's birthday party and got a cool pirate patch you wore around for a couple of weeks.

You great grandma Williams passed away and we were blessed to go to her funeral and remember the wonderful woman she was. She always sent all of her grand kids and great grand kids cards for their birthdays. They were covered with fun stickers and the kids always loved getting mail.

We went on a couple of rides out north of town. You started to prefer riding with dad on the motorbike then the four wheeler.

One of the best things about summertime is enjoying the flood irrigation we have to water our lawn.

the famous pants on backwards:)
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