Man what a summer! Lucas you were in such a silly, crazy mood today! I swear your nursery leaders spiked your juice or something because you were bouncing off the walls!!
You love to laugh and when you think something is really funny you do this gut busting belly laugh that is so hilarious!
We started off August by going to the circus that came to Gooding. It was well how do you say it...interesting..... lets just say small town circus's are probably left avoided. But we thought that you would enjoy it so we went. You thought it was ok but you had a
You went to the dentist for the first time this month. You were excited/nervous to go. When you got there you sat on my lap on the chair and I tried to get you to open your mouth so the Dentist, Dr. Lambert could count your teeth and just have a friendly visit:) You would not open your mouth so we finally had to pry your mouth open. Once he did that you realized it wasen't too bad. He said your teeth looked pretty good. Hopefully if we start with prevention while you are young that it won't require you to have too much work done.
We celebrated my birthday this year at home. You were excited for my ice cream cake and daddy got some little sugar decorations that you could put on all by yourself. You also put on all the candles. You say Happy Birthday like Happy Birpday. It is so dang cute. You have got the song down pretty good.:)
We also went to the famous Gooding Rodeo. Earlier in the week you went to the parade with Daddy and Taylor. I was in it representing Jazzercise. Daddy said you loved the parade and caught on fast about the candy part. We went to the Rodeo and you thought it was pretty cool. You liked watching all the horses and cows. The next night we went to the fair and walked around the animals and took you on one ride. I basically had to force you to go on it and at the beginning you were freaking out and was not impressed. After a couple of times of you going around you relaxed and had fun.
The last thing we did in August was go to Bear Lake for our family vacation. You love to go Lucas. You liked being in a new place and playing around the pine trees. We played Bears where daddy was the bear and we would run and hide from him. We also went to Bear Lake. It wasn't the warmest day but the water wasn't too bad. you went out a couple of times and had fun building sandcastles and trying to fly a kite with dad. We bought the kite in Oregon last year and it was not working for us at all. We gave up and tried the next day. I finally got it up in the air and was trying to unwind the string more and I accidentally let go of it. Dad tried to chase after it but could only go so deep in the water because of his phone. We had lots of fun exploring new places and creating new memories as a family.
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