This Christmas has been such such a fun year for you. You are finally getting old enough to understand Christmas, the baby Jesus and Santa Claus. Grandpa Williams came and visited us at the beginning of the month and brought us all their presents from them to us. It was pretty hard trying to explain to you that we still had lots of days before we could open them. We made a paper chain countdown and I got you and Taylor a chocolate advent calendar to open each day and get a little treat.
The first weekend in December was the ward Christmas party. After all the eating and games were played, Santa made a visit. At first you were not to excited to see him. After about 20 minutes of watching many other kids see him you decided that you were going to see him. You went straight up to him and sat on his lap and was not scared at all. You are funny like that. You may be a little leery of something at the beginning but once you are able to observe and check it out you decide if it's ok or not ok to do something. You must get that from your dad:)
We had the Palmer Christmas party the second weekend in December at Staci's. You still love going over there and playing with her kids and the toys. Jeremy got you a green tractor that shakes when it moves. Grandma Palmer got you a train set that you were so excited about. You are still in love with trains.
We also made it to the South Hills this year. It was really rainy when we went though so it was a really quick trip. You had fun running around with Lydia and seeing everything.
Christmas eve started out at the cemetery where we sang around Zach's and Chance's graves. We then went to Staci's for Christmas eve dinner and had yummy prime rib and good food. Before we started eating though my dad told us all that he had a surprise and sent all the kids into the girls room. They went outside and came back in with two puppies! One was white and chubby and one was back and a little skinner. We got the black and Staci got the white one. We were all pretty surprised. We weren't going to get another dog till we moved but not now! He has been pretty good so far so we will see how this goes:) We decided to name him a Christmas name and named his Ralphie off of the Christmas Story movie.
The next morning you were in cuddled up with us. I kept on waking up periodically through the night. I think I was excited too! You woke up around 7:30 and first thing you did was ask if Santa came. I told you he did and you were so excited! You wanted to run out and see everything but I told you,you had to go wake up Taylor first. So you went and did that and then you came out to see what Santa brought. Santa got you two tonka trucks and a wooden train that you can push. Of course you were mainly excited about the train! After a little while we opened presents and you were a pro. Like last year you had to get off a the wrapping paper before you could fully enjoy the present. You got some Lincoln Logs that came with a train set in it, some clothes and big wooden floor puzzle from Grandma and pa Williams. We got you a James train. You loved opening everything and the excitement of the day. Later on that day we were sitting on the couch and you looked at me and said,"mom is Christmas over??" I said well the day is over but the spirit of Christmas can be in your heart. You kinda looked at me for a while and said "oohh"
For the next couple of days you would wake up and ask if Santa had came again. I would tell you no then you would ask if it was Christmas Eve.:) You are truly getting so big! I cannot believe you will be a sunbeam this new year. It has been fun to have you understand about the sweet baby Jesus and the spirit of Christmas.