Thursday, October 8, 2009

Little Houdini

A while ago we bought door handle covers because you get out of your room while we are trying to get you to go to bed. Well they lasted a couple of days before you figured out you could take them apart. Today we bought some new ones that were supposed to work better and you also took them apart. We put duct tape over it and you still got out. We talked about putting your lock on the outside of your door but realized people might look at us funny if they saw that:) It is funny and frustrating at the same time. I hear your dad ripping more duct tape, we will have to see if what he comes up with works this time! Love you little Houdini :)

1 comment:

  1. I've changed my mind about the Dec. thing. I think I am going to be gone! Too bad you will have to take him with you to Las Vegas!
