You love helping me make cookies and all sorts of sweets. We were using the new mixer that dad got me for Christmas. You add all the ingredients and I turn it on. After we added all the flour I told you to go ahead and turn it on a little bit. Well your little bit ended up being full blast. Flour started flying everywhere and you were a little bit bewildered and scared about what was happening. You were trying to get down off the chair as fast as you could. I was laughing so hard it was so funny. After wards you thought it was pretty funny. We will have to see how the next time goes:)

When we went to the Williams' for Christmas last month, there was some puzzles there that you enjoyed putting together so when I saw this tractor one at Kings I got it for you. I cannot believe how smart you are and how fast you catch on. After a couple of times doing it together you can now do it pretty much by yourself.