Monday, February 15, 2010
Tonight we got out various pots and you were discovering the different sounds they make. You are becoming so smart and have a brain like daddys. For Valentines I would put a worksheet in your mailbox and you loved getting them everyday and doing them. I'm going to try and keep on doing them everyday since you like them so much. I guess I better take advantage of this time while I can. You can now do both puzzles completely all by yourself. You usually do them once or twice a day. Grandpa and Grandma Williams got you some lincoln logs for your birthday. You really like them but they are a little frustrating for you at times. I have noticed that they are becoming easier for you and that you enjoy them more. Recently you have loved watching Blues Clues. I really don't mind it because it is educational and is better than just watching a cartoon. Your language is getting better and better. You can count to 10, know all your shapes and most common colors. You love to go to Nursery. It is so weird for me to think that you will be a sunbeam next year. You seriously cannot be that old yet! Heck, I might still be the music leader. I love it when you give me big hugs and one really cute thing you have been doing lately when daddy comes home for lunch is to make sure he gives you a kiss goodbye. You are really becoming daddy's sidekick and love when he is home. I remember when you used to be my little Koala bear and was a real momma's boy. You have come so far Lucas. It just seemed yesterday that I was having my first baby. I still vividly remember you in the NICU and your determination from day one. I never forget the first time I finally got to hold you, that was such a long awaited day. I am so grateful for memories and for pictures to help me remember. Love you

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