Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We have done a lot of fun things in April. Dad ended up getting a four wheeler and you of course love it! In the first picture we had just got done riding for four hours! You are such a trooper and had such a fun time. I also took you on a trip to the Hagerman Fish Hatchery.It has been so nice to have some warmer weather to get out and do stuff in.When we first got there, you weren't too keen on the fish but after a while you liked to watch them. We also hiked around the area and found some crystal clear ponds.This is when you saw the HUGE sturgeon fish in the shallow water. You were impressed but there was no way in heck you were going to get any closer!

We also got some geo chaching in. You love finding treasures! We looked and looked at this specific spot out north of Gooding but never found it. We always have a good time looking anyway.
There was a lava bed and was a little tricky to navigate and of course you had to do it all by yourself. I thought this picture was so cool.
We also made a trip to Burley to go to the famous storybook park. I took you there when you were Taylor's age and it's amazing how much more you can maneuver around. You are my little monkey man and are always climbing on something. You are still a little nervous around slides though. I think that is because our slide at home is really steep and sends you flying down it.

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