Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hey buddy just wanted to let you know how much I love you. Today was a rough day. It started out with a rough night and just carried on through the day. We went through a couple temper tantrums at some stores. You were in a little shopping cart today at Kings and was reaching for the puzzles and tipped over in it, you screamed all the way home b/c I didn't get you a puzzle. Just last night I listened to Julie B Becks conference address and she stated how "mothers can feel help from the Spirit even when tired, noisy children are clamoring for attention, but they can be distanced from the Spirit if they lose their temper with children" I really tried to remember this today and I started out okay but a couple times I lost my temper with you. I feel that statement is so true. Later on tonight as I was "tickling your back" we talked about the day, the good and the bad things that happened. It breaks my heart when you tell me that "mom was mad at me" I hope that is not all that you remember. I hope that I tell you that I love you so much that, that is what you remember. Love you

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