Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 The Easter bunny visited us early Sunday morning and brought you a soccer ball!! We later went to Aunt Staci's for a family dinner and Easter egg hunt. You raced out and got as many eggs as you could. The best part of Easter though was on the car ride over to her house. We have been going over the Easter story for the past couple of weeks and driving over you told me you were going to tell me the Easter story. I was tired and said okay Lucas tell me and kinda thought about taking a nap. You then told me the whole Easter story for about five minutes. You got every detail and left nothing out. I couldn't believe you were able to tell me from memory everything. There was such a sweet spirit and it reminded me that you are listening and learning. When we got to Staci's you and dad went out into the shop where everyone was listening to grandpa talk about the Easter story and resurrection you told Grandpa, yeah I know all that. I'm so grateful that you are developing a testimony and already know whats true.  I love you.

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