We also did t-ball this summer. I was so excited that I finally have a child that is old enough to play sports. The season just ended last Wednesday and you loved it. You were one of the youngest and the smallest on the team but you kept up with all of them. You even got to be "Pitcher Pitch" the last game.
Last week Jordan and MacKinly came down for a whole week. You love Jordan. He is so good with you. He loves Star Wars just as much as you and played many hours with you.We also took Jordan fishing for the first time in the river in our backyard. It was a lot of fun and you caught a lot of yellow-bellied catfish.
You and dad went to Boy Camp in June and you had a blast. You always look forward to boy camp and think it's so cool that it's just boys and you get to go with just dad.
Swimming lessons is our next adventure that starts in a week. I hope will enjoy it more than last year. The hot tub has been good practice for you.
I'm still avoiding that you will be going to Kindergarten next year. I'm just not ready to send you out without me. You on the other hand are so excited and I know you will love it.
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