Monday, June 22, 2009

Electronic Nut

So last Wednesday I was sleeping with Taylor and all of a sudden I hear you crying and you come into the room. I could hear your movie in the background so I wondered what was up. I got up and went into the living room to find the computer screen doing something weird. I thought that maybe you had stuck something in the USB ports (which you have done before) so I looked but found nothing. I realized pretty quickly that the screen was broken and then I saw it...a little toy hammer underneath it and then as i looked closer I saw a certain point on the screen that looked like it took the most impact. I turned and I admit I yelled at started bawling and I could tell that you knew you did something wrong and felt genuinely bad.
You are such an electronic nut and have broken a keyboard, a couple of mouse's, and now a computer screen:) Good thing we love you tons and besides it gave daddy an excuse to get a bigger screen. Now instead of a computer screen dad went and got a 26 in. T.V. :) Lets hope this one can endure better than the computer screen:)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

You are on your first father and son outing with your dad tonight. I'am excited for you to have experiences like this but I also miss you and your dad like crazy. Hope your having fun tonight, I love you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oh the things you do!

This is kinda a funny post to start your blog book on but hey it is a good story:)
We went to Sun Valley today with Kelly and Jennifer to do our annual garage sale and bike ride. You went with daddy, Kolton and Kelly on the bike ride and dad said you loved it.
On the way home I was eating some breath mints (think tic tac) and you saw them and of course you had to have one, so I gave you one. You realized they are kinda hot so you spit out the first one but asked for another one. So I gave you another one and didn't pay any attention to where it went since I figured you would spit it out like the other one. Well after a minute or so you started to cry and I look at you and you are sticking your finger up your nose. I quickly looked up and sure enough it was lodged up your nose. Honestly I felt bad for you but at the same time it was kinda funny:) I tried to push it out and have you blow it out but it didn't work. Steve told me he had his leatherman so I tried that approach but you weren't too keen on my sticking those things in your nose. Steve ended up pulling over and he was able to get it out in a couple of seconds. Hopefully that will teach you not to stick things up your nose:) After Steve got out he got back on the road and about 30 seconds later he got pulled over for speeding 35 in a 25 zone. He tried telling the officer that he had to pull over to get something out of your nose and wasen't paying attention to his speed. The officer was nice enough but Steve recieved his first ticket he has ever gotten! So now you know the story behind your dad's first ticket:)
Love you Lucas you were a very sweet boy today and we had a lot of fun going to Sun Valley with you, going to see the Alligators and then going to the fish hatchery, you definately are an outdoorsy kid!