Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Today was a great day. We went and met almost everyone at the cemetery on Christmas Eve. As a parent I can't imagine the heartache of missing a child, especially around the holidays. Chance would be seven. Zach would be close to 30. After the cemetery we went to Staci's house. They had a yummy dinner of Prime Rib and then Alan read the Christmas story with the puppets. We all love going to their house. They are always welcoming and you kids just love it there. We also read the and it really brought the spirit into the room. I'm so thankful for my Savior. I know that He lived upon the earth and will someday come again. I hope that I can live worthy to be in his presence and live with Heavenly Father again with me family. I know He has provided a way to do this. There are many things in this world that promise happiness but I know true happiness comes from the teachings of the gospel.
Lucas woke everyone up around 6:50. Santa had covered their gifts so they couldn't peek. I told you about the times I remember when I was a kid waiting for my dad to finish milking cows in the early hours of the morning. Now I realize he had to get up super early just so I could enjoy Christmas. You came down the stairs and checked what Santa got you.

Lucas got a wall tracks, the battleship game, a new lightsaber toothbrush and of course candy:)
We did the three gifts again this year. Your gift from the heart was a big world map that was poster size and laminated. I glued it onto a poster board and got little push pins that you can attach flags to. Dad's flag was the first one to go up on Guyaquil Ecudaor where he served his mission. We have a lot more to put up and will soon be adding the palmer grandparents and Melissa as well. Eventually I want to make a sign that say's underneath it, I hope they call me on a mission.
For your need you got socks:)
For your want you got a tie fighter lego set:)

Lucas I love you so much. I hope that the things you remember about your Christmas's at home are filled with memories of love,fun and most importantly of feelings of the spirit. I love you.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Well Lucas you have made it through your first report card. Mrs. Born told me you are the perfect student and the highest in her class. I 'am so proud! All that work pays off. You are also really smart and understand concepts well. You are reading some words and just doing awesome. it has been fun to go to your class once a week and be involved. You like it when I come.
You are still fascinated (obsessed) with star wars. I think having a dad who loves it, helps too:) You are also developing quite the attitude since school has started. I know most of the time you do it because you want my attention. It's funny you will say, "well I'm going to throw this" I just find it funny that you think to do it before you act. I think that is a good thing. Lately you have loved hearing stories that dad and I have had happen in our lives and when he was little. That just reminds me how important it is to stay up to date on things so I remember them. About a month ago we put up a rope swing in the back yard. You loved it. It was a blast to play on and you would go on it everyday. A couple weeks ago, I was swinging you around in a circle on it and it snapped. Luckily you weren't very high. Our big pushes probably had you 10-15 feet off the air. I'm reminded all the time that there are angels watching over my children. Which I'm so grateful for because I need all the help I can get.
This year for Halloween you want to be Luke Sky walker again. We have a halloween party this friday at our house and then school and trick or treating so it should be a fun year.
I'm so thankful for you. You give me the best hugs and kisses.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My sweet first born son went to his first day of Kindergarten on August 22nd. the night before I asked if you wanted me to take you to school on your first day. You loudly protested "Nnnnoooooo I want to ride the bus." So we got you up at 6:45 so you could be on the bus at 7:15. I was so nervous for you and started to tear up when the bus pulled up to the house. You hopped right on like you have done it forever. School has been great for you so far. You are in the am Kindergarten class with Mrs. Born. I'm so glad we did the joy school last year and that you learned so much. It is amazing to see how fast you guys are already going through stuff. I remember when I was in Kindergarten and it was not like it is today.
That next weekend our ward had a ward camp out up at Alturas. I remember when I used to go there when I was a kid growing up with my ward and I loved it so much. We got there late Friday night and ate some smores around the fire then went to bed in cabin #4. The next day the ward fed us breakfast and you went to help cut down wood. After that we packed up and went to Alturas Lake. It was a lot of fun and you spent a lot of time on the paddle boat.
Labor day weekend we went down the Clifton and left Cade with Grandma while you me dad Taylor and Melissa went to Lagoon. It was so much fun and you did awesome! You went all on the rides your height would allow. You even went on the bat roller coaster. I think that might have scared you a little bit though because you were a little gun shy after that. You said your favorite ride was the bumper cars.
I have been able to go in to your school on Thursdays and do walking club and also some wednesdays I get to go in. I feel that I better take advantage of being able to go to class while you still are so happy to see me there and love it when I come.
Your latest obsession is playing the Star Wars video game. you ask to play it every day and talk about it ALL THE TIME:) Cade knocked over the console and scratched the dvd so it only works some of the time. I think that might be a good thing:)
Love you buddy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Swimming lessons

We did swimming lessons in Wendell this year so Taylor would have her own class. It was fun because Lydia and MaKatie were also able to do them at the same time. You are still pretty hesitant with the water. It's just something that you need to spend more time with and become more comfortable with. Your teacher said you did pretty good and it will help next year b/c you will have grown and will most likely be able to touch the bottom of the pool. Having the hot tub though I think is helping and you like going to Lakes so we will get there someday bud.

Reunion and Fireworks

We went to Iron Bog for our family reunion this year. You and Cash are good friends and played a lot together. You also had fun being with the girls and just playing all day long. We went on a hike to Iron Bog Lake, which you walked all the way with much prodding:). We also went to the Mackay ghost towns and  you rode with Grandma and Grandpa. You thought it was pretty neat. Although you almost got left at the first spot because I thought you were in someone else vehicle but were wandering by yourself. There was a little stream by camp that you spent some time in but never really went swimming in because it was so cold. It was great to go camping with the family.

After camping we came back and did the fireworks we bought before we left. You actually did pretty well with them this year. We had fun picking them out and getting the cool ones like tanks, snakes, ships, hens and you even liked snaps this year.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The beginnings of summer

We started off summer with a party for the end of preschool and Deanna Perron's house. I loved doing the mom teaching with everyone. I feel like you did learn and progress and will be completely ready for Kindergarten. When we went to register you they screened your speech and you were pretty close to needing speech therapy. She said you didn't qualify but were close. They will reevaluate you at the beginning of school. You loved Perron's house, they have a lake in their backyard and you guys just played and played.

We also did t-ball this summer. I was so excited that I finally have a child that is old enough to play sports. The season just ended last Wednesday and you loved it. You were one of the youngest and the smallest on the team but you kept up with all of them. You even got to be "Pitcher Pitch" the last game.

Last week Jordan and MacKinly came down for a whole week. You love Jordan. He is so good with you. He loves Star Wars just as much as you and played many hours with you.We also took Jordan fishing for the first time in the river in our backyard. It was a lot of fun and you caught a lot of yellow-bellied catfish.
You and dad went to Boy Camp in June and you had a blast. You always look forward to boy camp and think it's so cool that it's just boys and you get to go with just dad.

Swimming lessons is our next adventure that starts in a week. I hope will enjoy it more than last year. The hot tub has been good practice for you.

I'm still avoiding that you will be going to Kindergarten next year. I'm just not ready to send you out without me. You on the other hand are so excited and I know you will love it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 The Easter bunny visited us early Sunday morning and brought you a soccer ball!! We later went to Aunt Staci's for a family dinner and Easter egg hunt. You raced out and got as many eggs as you could. The best part of Easter though was on the car ride over to her house. We have been going over the Easter story for the past couple of weeks and driving over you told me you were going to tell me the Easter story. I was tired and said okay Lucas tell me and kinda thought about taking a nap. You then told me the whole Easter story for about five minutes. You got every detail and left nothing out. I couldn't believe you were able to tell me from memory everything. There was such a sweet spirit and it reminded me that you are listening and learning. When we got to Staci's you and dad went out into the shop where everyone was listening to grandpa talk about the Easter story and resurrection you told Grandpa, yeah I know all that. I'm so grateful that you are developing a testimony and already know whats true.  I love you.

 We went down to Niagria Springs for an afternoon with Ryan and his family. You and Cache are good buddies and loved exploring everything.

Guess who can ride his bike without training wheels?? Dad was fixing your training wheels and said lets try it without them. So you did and you took off! You have been practicing on Taylor's stride bike so I think that helped you with your balance. You now go all the time and its about time for a bigger bike!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Our Christmas started at 6:30. You woke up and came into our room. We coached you the night before that you had to come and get us before you went into the living room. Being the obedient child you are:) you did just that. We then got Taylor up and then the teasing started:) I was teased ( sometimes to tears:) growing up so it's only justice that I get to do it to my kids:) We then let you come out to see what Santa brought you. It was pretty funny because you noticed Taylor's shopping cart for her before you noticed you new shiny red wagon. You went through your stocking and loved all the candy, the new transformers brush and toothpaste, and the star wars cup filled with gum balls.

After a while we decided to open presents. We decided to start the tradition of giving three gifts. 1. Something you need ( you got a star wars shirt and sweat bottoms) 2. Something you want ( a polar express train set) This was my absolute favorite part of Christmas. You tore off the wrapping paper and when you saw it was a polar express train you ran over to me, jumped in my arms and said " thank you thank you mom! I love it" It was so sweet. 3. Something from the heart( an illustrated book of mormon book done in fun ways) You have read this book many times and really like it. Now I always ask you, are you like Ammon, are you like Nephi or are you being like Laman and Lemuel:)

That was Christmas. It was so great. That was the perfect amount of gifts. It wasn't overwhelming at all and you appreciated each gift. I'm excited to do this tradition every year now.I love you

Later that night we skyped with Grandma Williams and she watched you open her gifts from you. You got some star wars figures, legos, and some coloring pads.

Palmer Christmas Party

We had our annual Palmer Christmas party at Staci's house. We all met at Zach's grave and decorated the tree and sang some songs. You are really starting to question things and asked about my brother Zach. It was a special spirit felt as we remembered him. We then went to Staci's, ate and opened presents. For the cousin exchange you picked a random gift and it was a princess coloring pad. I knew that it was not going to be good and you said this isn't for me this is a girls for Taylor! I felt bad for you. Luckily Staci had an extra Cars coloring pad and we were able to switch her. Whew crisis adverted!! You also got some awesome jet fighter pj's and a drawing glow board from Grandma.

Gingerbread houses

We had some of your favorite people over for a weekend and had so much fun with them! We made our own gingerbread houses and even got into a frosting war:) You love your cousins.