Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Whenever Lucas get frustrated with something he will say " I CAN"T DO IT!!!!" We always look at him and say. "Lucas what would Bob ( bob the builder) say?" He looks at us and say with a new determination, "Yes I CAN!" Love it:)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
August 10'
Man what a summer! Lucas you were in such a silly, crazy mood today! I swear your nursery leaders spiked your juice or something because you were bouncing off the walls!!
You love to laugh and when you think something is really funny you do this gut busting belly laugh that is so hilarious!
We started off August by going to the circus that came to Gooding. It was well how do you say it...interesting..... lets just say small town circus's are probably left avoided. But we thought that you would enjoy it so we went. You thought it was ok but you had a
You went to the dentist for the first time this month. You were excited/nervous to go. When you got there you sat on my lap on the chair and I tried to get you to open your mouth so the Dentist, Dr. Lambert could count your teeth and just have a friendly visit:) You would not open your mouth so we finally had to pry your mouth open. Once he did that you realized it wasen't too bad. He said your teeth looked pretty good. Hopefully if we start with prevention while you are young that it won't require you to have too much work done.
We celebrated my birthday this year at home. You were excited for my ice cream cake and daddy got some little sugar decorations that you could put on all by yourself. You also put on all the candles. You say Happy Birthday like Happy Birpday. It is so dang cute. You have got the song down pretty good.:)
We also went to the famous Gooding Rodeo. Earlier in the week you went to the parade with Daddy and Taylor. I was in it representing Jazzercise. Daddy said you loved the parade and caught on fast about the candy part. We went to the Rodeo and you thought it was pretty cool. You liked watching all the horses and cows. The next night we went to the fair and walked around the animals and took you on one ride. I basically had to force you to go on it and at the beginning you were freaking out and was not impressed. After a couple of times of you going around you relaxed and had fun.
The last thing we did in August was go to Bear Lake for our family vacation. You love to go Lucas. You liked being in a new place and playing around the pine trees. We played Bears where daddy was the bear and we would run and hide from him. We also went to Bear Lake. It wasn't the warmest day but the water wasn't too bad. you went out a couple of times and had fun building sandcastles and trying to fly a kite with dad. We bought the kite in Oregon last year and it was not working for us at all. We gave up and tried the next day. I finally got it up in the air and was trying to unwind the string more and I accidentally let go of it. Dad tried to chase after it but could only go so deep in the water because of his phone. We had lots of fun exploring new places and creating new memories as a family.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What would I do without you! You have made quite the achievement lately and learning to ride a bike! Kristen got a little boys bike at a yard sale and let us buy it from her so you could use it. You kinda had a rough start riding the bike over to our house from Lydia's and feel twice. the bike needed a little bit of work and after daddy fixed it up you were riding much better! It is weird to see you getting so old! I don't like it!
We have been doing lots and lots of traveling this summer and you are such an awesome traveler! We have also taken a couple of rides out in the desert and you perfer to ride with dad on his motorbike than on the four wheeler. I have a slight nervous feeling that you will have one of your own when you get a little older.
Some cute little things you have been saying lately is, "wait a minute" and "I have an idea." Your vocabulary has gotten better and you are saying new things all the time. I love hearing you come up with your own sentences and see how you view the world.
Tonight we went to the circus. I think you were more excited about having a ticket. You would not let anyone else hold it and loved having it be yours. The circus was ok but you seemed to enjoy it so that's all the matters.
We love having you in our family Lucas!
We have been doing lots and lots of traveling this summer and you are such an awesome traveler! We have also taken a couple of rides out in the desert and you perfer to ride with dad on his motorbike than on the four wheeler. I have a slight nervous feeling that you will have one of your own when you get a little older.
Some cute little things you have been saying lately is, "wait a minute" and "I have an idea." Your vocabulary has gotten better and you are saying new things all the time. I love hearing you come up with your own sentences and see how you view the world.
Tonight we went to the circus. I think you were more excited about having a ticket. You would not let anyone else hold it and loved having it be yours. The circus was ok but you seemed to enjoy it so that's all the matters.
We love having you in our family Lucas!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lukie Lukie Lukie! What a busy summer we have had! Every weekend for the past three weeks we have been gone up to Idaho Falls and Clifton. You have loved every minute of it and have enjoyed spending time with cousins and grandparents.
It has really started warming up here and you and Tay Tay like filling up the pool and love being outside. You have gotten into the habit of dressing yourself with your pants on backwards. You are just so proud to have done it all yourself that it is hard to tell you to switch them around.

You went to your friend Avrie's birthday party and got a cool pirate patch you wore around for a couple of weeks.
You great grandma Williams passed away and we were blessed to go to her funeral and remember the wonderful woman she was. She always sent all of her grand kids and great grand kids cards for their birthdays. They were covered with fun stickers and the kids always loved getting mail.

We went on a couple of rides out north of town. You started to prefer riding with dad on the motorbike then the four wheeler.
One of the best things about summertime is enjoying the flood irrigation we have to water our lawn.
the famous pants on backwards:)
It has really started warming up here and you and Tay Tay like filling up the pool and love being outside. You have gotten into the habit of dressing yourself with your pants on backwards. You are just so proud to have done it all yourself that it is hard to tell you to switch them around.

You went to your friend Avrie's birthday party and got a cool pirate patch you wore around for a couple of weeks.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Palmer Family Reunion
This past weekend we had the Palmer family reunion. You pretty much loved every minute of it. The weather was kinda chilly but that didn't stop us from having a great time. You were able to get in a little fishing and had fun playing with cousins. We stayed in a camper that we borrowed, which was so nice. The only downside we had was you started reverting back to your old diaper wearing days, which was really frustrating for me. You just get so busy and have too much fun to stop and remember what you are supposed to do. You had lots of fun paling around with Cache and being waited on by all the girls, you just love being around people! After four days of camping you would think that you would be ready to go home but I think you could have stayed there all summer. All the way home you kept on saying " no go home, no go home." I hope that when you get older you don't move far away and never come home;) Although when you did get home you seemed pretty happy and glad to be back.:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hey buddy just wanted to let you know how much I love you. Today was a rough day. It started out with a rough night and just carried on through the day. We went through a couple temper tantrums at some stores. You were in a little shopping cart today at Kings and was reaching for the puzzles and tipped over in it, you screamed all the way home b/c I didn't get you a puzzle. Just last night I listened to Julie B Becks conference address and she stated how "mothers can feel help from the Spirit even when tired, noisy children are clamoring for attention, but they can be distanced from the Spirit if they lose their temper with children" I really tried to remember this today and I started out okay but a couple times I lost my temper with you. I feel that statement is so true. Later on tonight as I was "tickling your back" we talked about the day, the good and the bad things that happened. It breaks my heart when you tell me that "mom was mad at me" I hope that is not all that you remember. I hope that I tell you that I love you so much that, that is what you remember. Love you
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We have done a lot of fun things in April. Dad ended up getting a four wheeler and you of course love it! In the first picture we had just got done riding for four hours! You are such a trooper and had such a fun time. I also took you on a trip to the Hagerman Fish Hatchery.It has been so nice to have some warmer weather to get out and do stuff in.When we first got there, you weren't too keen on the fish but after a while you liked to watch them. We also hiked around the area and found some crystal clear ponds.

We also got some geo chaching in. You love finding treasures! We looked and looked at this specific spot out north of Gooding but never found it. We always have a good time looking anyway.

We did a couple of fun things for Easter this year. The Saturday before Easter we suited you and Taylor up in snow clothes and went to the community Easter egg hunt. You caught on quickly as to what you were supposed to do and had a lot of fun. Lydia was there with us. You two are good buddies. You used to fight like crazy but have gotten lots better (thankfully!)

On Sunday the Palmer family met at Malad Gorge to eat and do our annual Easter Egg hunt. It was a little chilly that day but it is always fun to have all the cousins together. You love having kids around.
Later that night Grandpa and Grandma came over to stay with us and we decorated some eggs. We also did this with them last year. We have a book that has a little picture of someone dying Easter eggs and even though you were only two you would always point that out and say Grandpa and eggs. You sure love your Grandparents!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The weather has finally started to warm up so we have been able to go out and do some things outside. We have been going geo-caching and having lots of fun finding what you call them "treasures." It takes us to new places and it's always fun to do something all together. Daddy bought a four wheeler this month and you think it is the best thing ever. You have gone on a couple of rides with him. One Saturday you guys went with Lydia and Matt riding out in the desert. You went to a couple of caves and had a great time! We also were able to make it to Clifton. You love going there and spending as much time with grandpa as you can. You rode with him in the tractor, took a couple of truck rides and even got to see a train, up close. You covered your ears and said it was "too loud!"

I love this last picture of you. We had some yummy chocolate pudding and got it all over you.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This past Sunday we drove out to Malad Gorge to see if it would be a good place for our family gathering for Easter. While we were there we went down a different road looking for a geo-cache and found a neat area. On the way back to the truck you decided to go through this big bush of sagebrush. That night while dad was giving you a bath he thought he better wash your hair and check if you had any ticks. Well sure enough there was one in your hair! It had just barely started to burrow down. uuughggghgghhh! give me the willies just thinking about it!!!! I held you while Steve got it out. Anyway I think we will be staying away from the sage for a while and remembering to wear hats. After that everyone got a tick check, yuck!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Going to work
On Friday you grabbed my metal Yellowstone lunch box and started pushing around Taylor's walking toy and said "mom I'm going to work!" You went around the rug and then parked the toy and said "I'm home" It was the cutest thing ever! Made me laugh out loud:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Day out with Dad
On Saturday you and Dad took out our new four wheeler we got in the desert. Matt and Lydia also went with you guys. You rode out to a cave called tea kettle and spent most of the day out there. You love the four wheeler and was so excited to go that you would put on your helmet and wear it all around.

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